Saturday, November 20, 2010

CASE: Private Residence

Date of Investigation: 10/29/10
Kansas City Paranormal Investigations was reached out by a local family in Blue Springs, Missouri that was experiencing intense paranormal phenomenon within their home.
Due to the intense paranormal phenomenon experienced within the home, KCPI called upon ELITE Paranormal to assist with the investigation.

An apparition of an older man in a black suit appears on the stair case in the entry way, items moving, doors opening and closing, bed shaking, and shadows running up and down the staircase. Bite marks appeared on the oldest child with 3 scratches on the back. Another child experienced intense dreams.

Team members present:

ELITE Paranormal team members present:

Weather Conditions:
Clear skies, dry, windy.

Exclusive Evidence Captured:
EVP #1
EVP #2
EVP #3
EVP #4


Legitimate paranormal phenomenon was experienced by all of the investigators that were present during the consultation and investigation. Data was obtained during the investigation to validate the experiences the family had within the home.
We found there was a group of spirits that were inhabiting the home, some more than others at times. A few of which were negative entities, some historic entities. David Franklin Farkas felt there was two demonic forces. The family had one attached haunting from a loved one that passed under unfortunate circumstances. The spirit attached to the family served as a protector against the negative entities.
We felt the two oldest children were very strong sensitives. The entities were drawn to the children. We felt it was crucial for the children to join a peer support group for sensitives.
Overall, the family was pleased to have their experiences validated. The property received a cleansing that allowed the activity to deaden for a few days. Some activity is still occuring, though it has become less bothersome to the children.
Unfortunately, the family is moving to another location. We wish them the best on their next destination.

Statements from Client(s) about the results found:
Not available.

Special Acknowledgements:
Thank you to Rob, Cindy, and Doug from ELITE Paranormal for assisting with this case. All help and work that was achieved is greatly appreciated. Please visit

Thank you to Harvey for assisting with the remote viewing of this location. It allowed us to get a grasp of reasoning on the activity that was occuring. Your skills and talent is amazing and accurate.

Thank you to David Franklin Farkas for clearing the home and aiding with the balance of energies within the home and family. Please visit

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