Kansas City Paranormal Investigatons assisted PEDRO Paranormal at the Hutch Haunts in the Underground Salt Museum in Hutchinson, Kansas.
Miners have experienced an apparition of a gentleman riding a bike in the underground salt mine, an apparition of a past worker who passed of natural causes, tools disappearing, and engravings appear on the walls made of salt (ex. LIGHTNER) from an unknown source.
Team members present:
Weather Conditions:
Clear skies, dry. Very windy.
Temperature Indoor:
The temperature indoor ranged in the 60's.
Temperature Outdoor:
The temperature outdoor ranged in the 70s.
Personal Experiences:
Exclusive Evidence Captured:
The Underground Salt Mine Museum was an amazing place to explore for paranormal phenomenon. We greatly appreciate the opportunity given. Unfortunately, we were unable to document any activity at this time.
Statement from client(s) about the results found:
Not available.
Special Acknowledgements:
Thank you PEDRO Paranormal for inviting KCPI to the Underground Salt Museum. Visit their official website at www.pedrokc.com.