Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Your own tool box!

Our members are purchasing new equipment to explore with during our paranormal investigations. CLICK HERE to see what KCPI is currently using.

We thought we would share the best tools to use for an effective paranormal investigation for anyone interested in performing their own and creating their own tool box.

A tool we would recommend is a digital audio recorder. Paranormal investigators use this as a technique to communicate with the spirit world. A series of questions and states are said by the investigators that sometimes are followed by an answer from an unknown presence.

Another tool we would recommend is an electromagnetic field detector. Paranormal investigators use this to measure a spirits energy as they manifest. A manifestation happens when energy is gathered by a spirit to make themselves known. The device aids with detecting with this occurs.

A video camera is a great tool to use to! This will help with capturing any occurances in the environment that may be taking place that you've witnessed as paranormal phenomenon. Example: an apparition, items moving, shadows, even audible recording from the video camera, etc.

Don't forget a flashlight for safety and a journal to document the evironment, temperatures, times, etc.

The absolute most important tool of them all is your senses. Listening, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching.

Good luck on your own paranormal journey!